[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”Parsec Growth is a content marketing agency that helps create and publish video content so that you can show up everywhere your target audience is.” animated_gradient_speed=”9″ gradient_one_color=”#FFFFFF” gradient_two_color=”#E02B20″ gradient_three_color=”#EDF000″ gradient_four_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.20.2″ _module_preset=”default” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”31px” custom_margin=”10px||||false|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

we Will Place a Content Scaling Team inside your BUSINESS

We understand your buyer persona and come up with viral video content so that you can focus on your clients rather than putting all the time into content creation, publishing and more.

How a Digital and Marketing Agency Owners With Zero Online Presence Can Build Rapport and Credibility Online in JUST 90 DAYS Using Our Content Marketing Services

Video content is 1200% more successful than other content.




 Nick Marietta

marie forleo

erika kullberg

leila hormozi

Get All of Your Content Creation Done in Less than 4 Hours Per Month

Digital and Marketing Agency Owners: If you want to become the absolute authority in your industry, grab this offer now!

It’s NOT just a Service; It’s a HACK

If you are looking for a 15-hour long course, a 321-page book, or a workshop that will teach you how to produce viral content videos to make you famous..


Our content marketing offer is your HACK to getting viral content all over the internet without spending a dime on paid ads.

If you don’t want to spend all your time learning content marketing and then taking days to write scripts and edit videos, sign up for our services to get a whole bunch of high-quality videos out there in 30 days.

3 UGLY TRUTHS Why Most Digital and Marketing Agency Owners Struggle to get a Solid Online Presence

Do you know why? 

Because of 3 reasons:

1 ) They try to create content themselves and end up becoming exhausted because running business operations and creating content together is a tedious job.

2) They create generic content that doesn’t resonate with their audience and so end up with no visibility.

3) Hiring an agency that does it all but doesn’t SPECIALIZE in the video content niche.

So what’s the solution?

Well-Crafted DFY Videos for Digital and Marketing Agency Owners

You don’t need to spend months learning video editing or copywriting. You can sign up for our services, and we will take care of everything so you can focus on running your business.

Introducing Content Marketing Services Specially Designed for Digital and Marketing Agency Owners

Where we take responsibility for creating video scripts, editing, and even PUBLISHING the content.

STEP 1:  Get on a call with us, where we use a 20-point IDEAL PERSONA CHECKLIST to dig deep and understand your ideal customer.

STEP 2: We will create five scripts within the next 48 hours and show you. After that, you record the videos.

STEP 3: After you send us the raw footage, we edit it and schedule it according to the content calendar. 

Even a newbie can create videos that resonate with your audience in just a month. 

Everyday Problems of Digital and Marketing Agency Owners

Let’s be real for a while. There are actually 3 big problems most business owners have to face every day. 

  • No time to create content
  • Not getting engagement on their content
  • Not knowing where their ideal audience hangout

But you know what? It happens very often. So you have to face it every day. Every. Single. Day. 

Until you find out the main reason why your content just doesn’t produce results.

The solution, meanwhile, is very simple: 

You Need to Build Relationships Through Your Content.

Because creating relationships with your audience can solve all of these problems. You just need to know how to create content that is not salesy but provides absolute value.

…or you can use our content marketing services to get extremely high-value content published on multiple social media platforms without being a Content Marketing EXPERT. 

Here’s WHAT You Need to Build Rapport in a matter of months

1) Youtube videos 

Youtube videos have a virality aspect. You can go viral in no time. Plus, the monetization aspect can start a passive income for you.

2) Shorts and Reels

Shorts and Reels allow you to share bite-sized, engaging information with your followers. Plus, with the new monetization policy, you can start earning revenue through it. And if it goes viral, then BOOM, you are in luck…

3)  Repurposing Content 

Content can be repurposed and shared on multiple platforms, which gives you a better chance of being discovered. 

4)  An Aggressive Content Calendar

Posting aggressively on various social media platforms is mandatory if you want to gain the visibility you desire. 

What if we told you that you could be everywhere in front of your audience?

What if I told you you could be on every platform?

According to a survey, 78% of people watch online videos every week

And don’t tell me you are not creating videos. Because if you aren’t, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities.

Have a Look At What our Clients Have to Say About Our Services

STOP! Our video Content Marketing Offer Is NOT for People

  • Who are looking for a magic pill that can solve all their problems.
  • Who think they will get viral or famous lying on a bed and staring at the TV.                      
  • Who don’t want to take action and responsibility for their results. 

If you are one of them, I have bad news for you. It doesn’t work like this. Don’t waste your time reading this page. We don’t have any magic pill for you. 

Our Content Marketing Offer Is IDEAL For People …

  • Who’d rather work on their  business than blame others for their failure
  • Who knows they have to take massive action to get massive results
  • Who are ready to use the HACKS to get results faster (but still know they have to take action!). 

If you are an action taker, welcome.

Click the button below and book your call to speak with our team. 

You Want To Create and Publish Meaningful Content… 

… and We are Here to Help You! 

We truly believe in one thing: 

To help Digital and Marketing Agency Owners build transformational relationships with their audience rather than transactional relationships. 

Our Offer Breakdown:

  • 2 long video scripts with video editing(around 8-10mins video)

  • 20 shorts scripts with video editing

  • 10 repurposed shorts from long videos

  • 80 social posts(20 Twitter threads, 20 LinkedIn carousels, 20 Instagram carousels and 20 Facebook posts)

  • All the Social Media Scheduling on all Social Platforms

  • 2 Blog Posts

Here are some benefits of each social media format

  1. LinkedIn carousels:

  • Showcasing thought leadership: Carousels allow you to present a series of insights or ideas on a particular topic, positioning your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Differentiating your brand: As carousels are not yet as widely used on LinkedIn as other platforms, using them can help your brand stand out from the crowd and differentiate your content.

  1. Instagram carousels:

  • Creative flexibility: With up to 10 slides in a single post, carousels allow for creative flexibility in presenting your brand’s message and can help you experiment with different visual storytelling techniques.

  • Driving conversions: You can use the swipe feature to drive conversions by directing users to a landing page or product page.

  1. Facebook single image posts:

  • Cost-effective advertising: Single image posts can be used as cost-effective advertising by boosting the post to your target audience.

  • Personalization: Using a single image can provide a more personalized touch, as it allows you to feature a specific product or service, or highlight a unique aspect of your brand.

  1. Twitter threads:

  • Creating a dialogue: Twitter threads can be used to create a dialogue with your audience, encouraging them to engage with your brand and share their thoughts on a particular topic.

  • Building a community: As Twitter threads can be shared, they can help you build a community of engaged followers around a specific topic or idea.

Many Digital and Marketing Agency Owners are good at their business, but they struggle to create meaningful content. And it’s a pity.

That’s Why We are on a Mission

The mission is to help business owners get viral content out there.

If you are one of them… 

…then We are here to help you.

Don’t make the SAME MISTAKE! 

Evolution. Progress. Moving forward. You name it. 

There is just one thing that is for sure.

You CAN’T stop it!

Only those who adapt survive. Dinosaurs could talk about it. 

They were the strongest, the greatest, and kings of the world. But they made ONE mistake. 

One fatal error! 

They Didn’t Adapt

And so they died out. 


The same goes for your business. If you don’t adapt to the technological advancements offered to you, you will lose. Social media is evolving, and if you fail to produce and publish out there, your competitors will have the edge over you.

It’s all about attention span. If you fail to grab your audience’s attention, then you are done for it and VIDEO content is the most easily consumable content.

Creating Videos Is the Most Important thing to do to build and nurture relationships with your audience.

Sit back and relax 

While our team of

  • Video editors
  • Copywriters
  • Graphic Designers
  • Project Managers
  • Social Media Managers

Do their magic

© Parsec Growth 2024 All rights reserved.